Veteran Movers and Shakers of the Texas Legislature Tell Stories of How Things Really Work

“When you are in politics you are in a wasp’s nest with a short shirt-tail.”

Mark Twain’s description of the climate and culture of political realms may find agreement among those who’ve been stung by the wasps and lived to tell the tales.

Three veterans of the Texas legislature will relay their tales of state politics past and present at “A Conversation with Bill Hobby, Don Adams and Saralee Tiede: How Things Really Work in Policy and Politics.”  The event is planned  for     5- 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 16 in the University of Houston Honors College Commons.  Sponsored by the University of Houston Hobby Center for Public Policy (HCPP), the event is free and open to the public. An RSVP is requested to cpp@uh.eduHCPPLogo

“Bill Hobby, Saralee Tiede and Don Adams have had a profound impact on the state of Texas. They are part of—and  made—our history,” said Jim Granato, professor and HCPP director. “It is a pleasure to have the three of them share their thoughts, experiences and wisdom on the current and future challenges we face.”

William P. Hobby served an unprecedented five terms—from 1973-1991—as lieutenant governor of Texas.  Don Adams served in the Texas legislature for 10 years.  Their conversation will be moderated by Tiede, Hobby’s chief of staff. 

“Nobody knows how things really work better than Don Adams and Saralee Tiede,” Hobby said. “The three of us worked together for many years in the Texas Senate.”

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WHAT: “A Conversation with Bill Hobby and Don Adams: How Things Really Work in Policy and Politics”

WHEN: 5 – 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 16

WHERE: UH Honors College Commons, second floor of the M.D. Anderson library

For directions and parking information visit
